Book Review: Five Survive by Holly Jackson

Genre: Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller

Publication Date: November 29, 2022

Rating: 4 stars

Goodreads Blurb:

Eight hours. Six friends. Five survive. A road trip turns deadly in this addictive YA thriller.

Red Kenny is on a road trip for spring break with five friends: Her best friend – the older brother – his perfect girlfriend – a secret crush – a classmate – and a killer.

When their RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, they soon realize this is no accident. They have been trapped by someone out there in the dark, someone who clearly wants one of them dead.

With eight hours until dawn, the six friends must escape, or figure out which of them is the target. But is there a liar among them? Buried secrets will be forced to light and tensions inside the RV will reach deadly levels. Not all of them will survive the night. . . .


As a big fan of the AGGGTM series, I have been wanting to read this book for a while now! It hurt me every time I had to pass it to the next person on my Libby app because of life getting in the way, but I was finally able to crack this baby open!

I loved that there was a map of the locations in the US they traveled through as well as the blueprint of the RV at the very beginning. I love maps and things like this an irrational amount!

Something I found really interesting about this story was every single person was terrible and hiding something! There were no “good” people in this story, including the narrator. Not only did this help to not create an immediate connection with the narrator, thus putting everyone on equal footing, but it also made it so as the story went on you were dealing with the same areas of grey (no black and white answers) like the characters in the book. With everyone having done something or known something horrible, the reader is left to reason who is really bad and who is redeemable.

I found that there were four key shockers/twists in the story and I was only able to guess two from the beginning and another one after the third was revealed. I love when I have no idea what is coming and this story definitely delivered on that!

I found our narrator hard to follow at times and not super likeable since we knew she was keeping two pieces of information from the group, with only one of them being known to the reader for most of the story. From the first chapter I just got an overall feel of her being an unreliable narrator, which didn’t end up being the case, but it had me weary to trust anything she was thinking or saying for most of the story. I don’t think I’ve read any stories with an unreliable narrator, but I like to think that if I do I would want to be completely blindsided by it, not weary from page 1.

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