Book Review: The Au Pair Affair (Big Shots #2) by Tessa Bailey

Genre: Romance

Publication Date: July 16, 2024

Rating: 4 Stars

NetGalley Blurb:
#1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey returns with an all-new sports rom-com about a burly, surly, single dad who falls head-over-hockey-stick for his quirky live-in nanny…

Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She’s also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween.

Her tween charge isn’t the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to…well, everyone except Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the “right” thing—breaks her own heart and walks away.

Though Burgess knows it’s for the best—he’s too jaded, with too much baggage—a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah.

What I liked about the book:
1. I love an age gap, single father x nanny romance, especially when the FMC is not in her teen years. Tallulah was 26 years old to Burgess’s 37, and there were several things about this that just felt like a mature relationship, no doubt due to her age.

2. This book is a great example of why I love older MMCs as well. Burgess just acted like you would expect a grown ass man to act. There were several interactions where I was swooning over him for just doing…the bare minimum, and that says a lot! He also recognized his flaws and faults and worked to be better, even before their breakup. Like Tallulah, I also find that super appealing.

Here are a few of my favorite points that prove this:

She couldn’t help but remember that yesterday, when she’d explained her reservations to Burgess in the smoothie shop, he’d acknowledged them without making her feel silly or like she was overreacting. He hadn’t tried to badger her into changing her mind. He’d just quickly gone and done something to help without getting any credit.

– Why is this bare minimum so hot though? But seriously, his wanting to be her protector and supporter, but also stepping back enough to let her stand on her own two feet was just prime book boyfriend material.

She really wanted to see that garden. Enough to go somewhere alone with a man, which she hadn’t felt safe doing in quite some time.

Did she feel safe now?

“There are usually other residents up there,” Burgess said quietly while drying his hands on a kitchen towel. “Not a lot, but my neighbor’s dog gets the zoomies around this time of night and he brings her up there to run in circles…He should be there.”

– This man bringing up the fact that she wouldn’t be alone with him because he understands her thought process but he isn’t calling attention to it and definitely isn’t patronizing her for it, is just so good!

Although, she didn’t freeze up when Burgess got close, did she? No, just the opposite. She heated like a tea kettle. He had a way of approaching her at just the right pace, giving her room to stop…which only made her want more of her spaced invaded by him.

– And it’s always the big ass guys!

3. I liked how even when they were broken up, they both totally had each other’s backs and best interests in mind. When they were in Costa Rica ziplining and they had to finally flip a coin to see who went first because they both wanted to make sure the other was safe and kept bickering about it, it tore me up a little bit. Even though they were not together, their care for one another was so prevalent in everything they did. I like seeing both MCs protective of each other, rather than just the gruff MMC protective of the FMC. It’s refreshing to see the FMC be just as protective 😊

4. I also liked that Tallulah definitely made Burgess work to get her back! After breaking her trust (in probably the only way that we could have been fine with as readers, mind you), the man definitely needed to work to redeem himself and get her back, so I’m glad we got to see that.

5. It’s a Tessa Bailey book. The spice and swoon were great! There are too many lines to pick from so you’ll just have to trust me and read it!

6. I CANNOT WAIT FOR SIG AND CHLOE’S BOOK!!! February 2025 cannot come soon enough!

Sig is definitely the kick in the ass that Burgess needed several times in the book, but he also has a super soft spot for his soon-to-be stepsister, so I can’t wait to see more of that.

Chloe – Chloe is going to drive me nuts in the best way, I can already tell. She can’t tell a lie to save her life and it appears that she doesn’t know how to survive without help from Sig, who appears to be all for helping her. HOWEVER, she is a girls’ girl through and through. My favorite exchange between her and Tallulah was:

*Chloe’s gaze bounces between Tallulah and Finn, lighting up with interest, and she leans in close to speak near Tallulah’s ear.*

Chloe: “Should I make myself scarce?”

Tallulah: “No.”

Chloe: “Gotcha. Should he?”

Tallulah: “Uh. Yeah, I think so.”

Chloe: “Double gotcha. Sorry, babe, I’m stealing her for drunk girl talk.”


Tallulah: “Thanks. He wasn’t being excessively creepy or anything. I’m just…”

Chloe: “You don’t have to explain. It’s just a no.”

There were seriously so many snippets of fire between Sig and Chloe from Sig launching some rando’s pen across the room who wanted Chloe’s number to quietly reading a book about investments when she mentioned wanting to open her own business. I kinda have a feeling they are going to be my favorite couple to date in this series!

What I wasn’t a fan of:
1. I felt like we didn’t get a whole lot of page time of Burgess’s daughter. With this being a single father x nanny romance, I was expecting not just more drama with his daughter, but more quality time between the three of them, father and daughter, and daughter and nanny.

2. While I understand the need and the underlying reasoning for the breakup, it just seemed really out of character how Burgess reacted. The things he said were in direct contrast to the character I’d liked for 80% of the story at that point.

3. I thought there would be more adventures between Tallulah and Burgess. They made this deal about him joining her on adventures to expand her life, while she got him out into the dating market, and that kinda just didn’t occur? There were more adventures between them once he was trying to win her back in my opinion.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager, and Tessa Bailey for the opportunity to read this book. The thoughts and opinions expressed above are honest and my own.

Want to check out what else Tessa is working on? Hop on over to her social media accounts using the below.

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Book Review: Cain by D. Vessa

Genre: MC Romance

Publication Date: July 8, 2024

Rating: 4.25 Stars

Goodreads Blurb:
I thought I was fine just coasting through life. I finally had the stability I had craved for so long that I didn’t realize how lonely I had become in the process. Until him. If only I knew getting sucked into his world would turn my lonely paradise upside down.

When shit hit the fan I wasn’t expecting our saving grace to be in the form of a brother’s sister. No one prepared me for her completely changing my world. Shit happens when you least expect it. Every rose has its thorn.

Daddy Cain! Daddy CAIN!! DADDY CAIN!!!

Cain is the debut book by D. Vessa and was completely fabulous! I often forget how much I love Motorcycle Club Romances, especially when they have as much humor as this one did. I will for sure be picking up anything else D. Vessa writes going forward!

When Cain’s club, which includes Scotch/Zeke (Evan’s brother), has a shipment of weed get stolen that they are the middlemen of, they want to keep the theft on the downlow while they solve it themselves. Scotch has the idea of bringing in his foster sister, Evan, who happens to be a grower. Of course, nothing ever goes according to plan in these books. Toss in the mystery of the stolen shipment, a couple murders, and Evan’s house getting broken into and her threatened, and this one is a wild ride!

Goodies To Expect:
💜 MC Romance
💜 Brother’s Best Friend
💜 Age Gap
💜 Touch Her & D!e
💜 Dual POV
💜 He Falls First
💜 Found Family
💜 Pieced Peen 😈
💜 😽 Shaving Play

Trigger Warnings:
💜 Kidnapping
💜 Foot play
💜 Guns
💜 Murder
💜 Violence
💜 Abuse (not between MCs)
💜 Sexual Assault (not by MMC)
💜 Attempted Rape (not by MMC)

What I liked about the book:
1. Age gap + Brother’s Best Friend are two of my kryptonites; put them together and I’m a trembling mess of giddiness!!

This was done so well too because our FMC wasn’t a naïve barely legal woman. She definitely had sass but she had the wherewithal to back it all up! Also, despite the age difference and the daddy kink, the MMC didn’t treat her like she was naïve. He did go to lengths to keep her protected, but you could tell it was because he genuinely had care for her, not because he thought she was incompetent.

Here are some of my favorite interactions of theirs:

Cain: “First, I need to know if what Scotch [Zeke] says about you being trustworthy is true. Our club doesn’t hurt women, but if you double-cross us or fuck up in any way, we’ll make you fucking pay. Got me?”

Evan: “Got you? I don’t know you, dude. And I sure as hell never agreed to do you any favors. I think Zeke, or Scotch, or whatever the fuck you guys call him, left a few key details out when he called me asking to help him out.”

– Give it right back girl!! I love how she kept standing her ground with him even up until the end of the story too!

“The whole sarcastic bitch act you have goin’ only turns me on, babe. Makes me want to throw you over my knee and spank that attitude right out of you.”

– You have no idea the power you’ve just given me, Daddy 😈

Evan: “I’m sorry, disobeyed you? I know you’re older, but I didn’t realize that made you my dad.”

Cain: “If you want to call me Daddy, little hellcat, all you have to do is scream it when you come on my cock.”

– Oh gods yes!

2. I absolutely loved the backstory for Evan’s and Zeke’s sibling-like relationship. Zeke seems like such a good guy, still protecting Evan to the current day setting of the book. I also saw how he was looking at Delaney and I really hope that pans out for him!!

3. I loved Hades, Evan’s rescue doggo. He was so perfect for her in that he was chill but could definitely throw down when needed, exactly like her. I love seeing animals in stories, especially when they’re good boys!!

4. I have fallen in love with this MC and how protective they are of someone brought into the fold, like Evan in this story. I want all the stories now!!! I need a Zeke/Scotch and Delaney story, a Brock – tech nerd turned biker – story, definitely a sexy Ink book. I think Ink is going to be my boy. I’m calling it now!!

5. The mystery involved in the story was interesting and kept the plot going, but wasn’t daunting which was nice.

6. So many good lines!

This is one thing that’s wrong with society. A girl can’t just be. There’s always some man that thinks he’s entitled to a piece of her.

– Fucking FACTS!

I wouldn’t consider myself shy, and I think that’s where people underestimate me. Just because I don’t talk a lot doesn’t mean I won’t put you in your place if you cross a line with me. I just prefer not to socialize, and large crowds make me want to crawl into a hole and never come out. I’m the girl who won’t leave her house for two weeks before she realized it’s been that long.


He offered me reassurance without even asking. And I liked that. I liked that a lot. And I hate that I liked it.

– I mean, is this too much to ask???

I don’t think I’ve ever met a female that can make me want to fuck her and kill her at the same goddamn time.

– Hehe

“Now be a good girl and spread those sweet thighs for Daddy. I want to look at what I’m about to claim.”

– *Melting*

“It’s not God fucking you. It better be my name on your lips when you cry out.” Thrust. “My name on your lips when you scream.” Thrust. “And my name on your lips when you come on my cock.” Thrust.

– Fuuuuuuuuuuuck

“Loyalty can’t be bought. The ones that claim it can will always stray to the next highest bidder.”

7. Finally, one small detail that wasn’t harped on too much and wasn’t a focal point of the story that I loved was Evan’s affliction of IBS. I like that she was given a disorder that wasn’t harped on, but humanized her all the same. And who doesn’t love a girl who loves cheese regardless?!?

Thank you to D. Vessa and Two Moody Btches PR for the opportunity to read this book. The thoughts and opinions expressed above are honest and my own.

Want to check out what else D. Vessa is working on? Hop on over to her social media accounts using the below.

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Book Review: Finding the Troll’s Heart by Lyonne Riley

Genre: Fantasy, Monster Romance

Publication Date: May 24, 2024

Rating: 4 Stars

Goodreads Blurb:

Six months ago, Simka’s sister was stolen by wild orcs. When the neutral city of Morgenzan refuses to help, Simka goes on a rescue mission—but she can’t find the orc camp alone.

Corporal Jar’kel, a grouchy old troll with a broken tusk, has been sent to the frigid Blue Crags to help defend a valuable mine against the wild orcs. When he catches Simka vandalizing the mine, he makes her a deal: if she helps him find the wild orcs, he’ll help save her sister, and he can at last return home.

While Jar’kel and Simka work together to locate the camp, Jar’kel denies his growing attraction to the younger human woman. But to succeed in their mission, they must pretend to be a mated pair. Can they keep up the ruse when it feels much too real?


Oh gosh, I just love everything Lyonne Riley writes! Here are some of the goodies to expect in this one:

💙 Grumpy MMC
💙 Feisty FMC
💙 Age Gap
💙 Size Difference
💙 Fake dating / fake mates

What I loved about the book:
1. I absolutely adore age gap romances and this one was no exception!

2. I haven’t had a chance to read book 5 in the series yet, but this book furthered the magic system at play in book 4 giving it a lot more details on its background, and I loved it!

Riley is very good at linking stories and furthering them at a pace that makes sense but isn’t overwhelming to those new to her work or reading out of order. Every time I pick up one of her Trollkin Lovers books I definitely feel like we’re peeling back more of the onion in the overall universe that’s building to something monumental.

3. Like the other books of Riley’s that I’ve read, this story had a strong FMC and a loveable MMC. I loved reading of Simka’s commands mixed with her vulnerability, as well Jar’kel’s changing thoughts on Simka from a naïve kid to a capable woman as he got to know her.

4. I liked seeing the FMC take charge a lot during intimate times. Not that I felt there was one at any time, but this definitely should have eradicated any thoughts by readers of a power imbalance between the two in their age gap relationship.

I also enjoyed the painful virgin sex being represented, especially for such a strong FMC. We typically read very little about the aftercare outside of being “cleaned up” and the FMC being “a little sore”, but this book really drove home the need to wait it out a bit and I loved that.

5. I liked that we got so many (seemingly) important new characters, as well as a smaller side character relationship in this one between Gorren and Vavi. Double the romance = double the fun!

Final Thoughts:
I think I’ve finally decided I’m a troll girl over an orc girl, but in the Lyonne Riley world why choose?

If you haven’t started on the Trollkin Lovers series, this is your reminder to start!

Thank you to Lyonne Riley for the opportunity to read a copy of this book. The thoughts and opinions expressed above are honest and my own.

Check out what else Lyonne is working on at her social media links below.

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Big Boys Series (books 1 through 4) by Cassie Mint

I recently stumbled across Cassie Mint via her Kephart College series (my review of books 1 through 4 will come soon after book 4 is released this week!). After enjoying those so much, I added a bunch more of her books to my TBR list, so, Cassie Mint, welcome to my crazy-ass TBR Family.

Big Boys is a novella series following the over-the-top love stories of vastly different women and their love for burly, plus-sized heroes. Going into these, the biggest thing you should realize is the instalove is OVER. THE. TOP!!! If you can get past that or that’s your thing, these are pretty damn good.

Book 1: Big Boss (3.5/5 stars!)

Book 1 of the series focuses on recent college graduate Daphne and her long-time crush on her best friend’s dad, Jacob.

– Single dad romance
– Age gap romance
– Best friend’s dad romance
– Novella!

What I liked about this one:
1. God I love older men….I’m honestly worried about the daddy kink I’ve been enjoying in my readings lately. Send help…in the form of an experienced older man. I think I need to exorcise this out of my system.

2. Compared to the Kephart College series, I felt this book had a lot more reasonable cause for instalove. These two have known each other for years and yearned from afar, so I can see how this happened so fast.

3. Kate is such a good friend, literally getting over their relationship super quick. She is also hilarious as the BFF! Favorite Kate line:

“When you’re my new stepmom, you’ll have to buy my love. I’m serious. I want a pony, and a bicycle, and a chocolate fountain-“

4. It should go without saying, but the steam is good.

What I didn’t like about this one:
1. While I’m a short chapter wh*re, the issue with novellas is a lot of character background and development is missing. This fell into the same trappings of that constraint. I wanted to know more about Daphne and why she doesn’t go home for the holidays. I wanted to know more about Kate’s mom who abandoned them. These characters were so good, and I wanted to just love them more.


2. This is going to be an issue I have for all of the books, so get ready for my repetitive ass. Why are all the women in these books inexperienced? Not just virgins, but we’re talking twenty-somethings that have barely been kissed. THEY’RE YOUNG, NOT NUNS!!! This isn’t realistic….I know, I’m not reading romance books for realism, but COME ON!


Book 2: Big Biker (2.5/5 stars!)

Book 2 of the series focuses on Ivy, the stereotypical daughter used as a pawn in her father’s business dealings, and her leather-clad biker hero, Samson.

– Age gap romance
– Damsel in distress romance
– Biker romance
– Novella!

What I liked about this one:
1. I liked Samson’s character a lot. He’s a private investigator who rides a motorcycle and rescues the girl. I grew up on the back of a motorcycle in California, so I will always read the biker story in a series before I give up! This should have had swoon written all over it. See below for why having expectations sucks.

2. I liked that he called instead of texted/waited for texting. Not enough people call these days.

3. Steam = good. I LOVE HOW GENEROUS ALL THESE GUYS ARE!!! That maze scene though….something out of my dirty mind!

What I didn’t like about this one:
1. Similar to book 1, a lot of character background and development is missing.

2. While Samson’s personality on paper was great, execution was missing. There could have been more done around his PI business and we know nothing of his background. Why did he go into PI? Is it because he was cheated on? One of his parents was cheated on? Hello, I deserve to know why you chose this profession if you’re going to use it to bring her dad down….

3. Ivy had zero personality yet she still found a way to bug me.

4. Again,

Nun 2

Book 3: Big Boxer (4/5 stars!)

Book 3 of the series focuses on sports journalist Beck and her long-time celebrity boxer crush Lucas.

– Sports romance
– Age gap romance
– Novella!

What I liked about this one:
1. I love that she is a female sports writer who knows her sh*t! I don’t know a d*mn thing about sports, but I am well aware of the struggles of women in sports. Loved that this was touched on.

2. The instalove was a bit more reasonable in this one, given her long-time crush on him. When you pine for someone in formative years, I don’t think it’s unrealistic to have deeper feelings surface faster.

3. Love the fact that she’s not a stick thin heroine. Love that the dimples on her thighs and her being pear-shaped is mentioned and loved by the hero.

4. Steam was probably the best so far up to this point in the series.

5. This was my favorite one in the series up to this point!

What I didn’t like about this one:
1. Ummmm, dude just shows up at her house because she wrote a bad review? This is that episode of friends about the review Monica wrote about the chef, but apparently not creepy? Eh, one generation’s creepy is another one’s #MCM.

2. I’m honestly intrigued: is jerking off in the shower of a locker room like a normal thing???

3. Ahem….

Nun 3

Book 4: Big Baker (4/5 stars!)

Book 4 marks our half-way point of the series! This one focuses on hotel cleaner / graffiti artist Zoe and head pastry chef Javier.

– Cinnamon roll MMC
– Age gap romance
– Work-related romance
– Novella!

What I liked about this one:
1. I love that she is a cleaner at a hotel and he is the head baker there. As a former restaurant server, I can attest that you can’t stop service people from hooking up. Once you’ve been in the weeds with someone, there is just an irreplaceable bond there.

2. I love that she paints a personalized mural for him on his townhouse. And then he’s so f*cking sweet leaving her little baked goods every day in her locker, even on his day off.

3. This one had some of the best quotes:

“I’m not nuts- I’ve found God in this pastry. I’m halfway to heaven right now” – I can totally relate to this. If something has chocolate, I’m on board.

“I’m laying a sugar trap.” – hell yes this sweetie was! I’d fall into this trap for sure!

“-his short brown beard is thick and soft-looking. I get the crazy urge to rub my cheek against it.” – It’s not crazy, it’s a thing!!!

“I’m nothing like the men in movies and on magazine covers. I’m big, soft, and weathered beneath my beard.” – YUM!

4. The instalove was definitely very reasonable in this one. They didn’t exchange the “I love you’s” at all in fact. We just infer from their ending that they love each other.

5. Javier has a dirty mouth! I love the juxtaposition between his cinnamon roll sweetness and his dirty mouth. This sweet in the streets, dirty in the sheets is my new everything!

6. This was my favorite one out of the first four books in the series!

What I didn’t like about this one:
1. He conveniently figures out his secret muralist is a cleaner who loves almond pastries for no reason whatsoever. Super ridiculous, but still fun.

2. You guessed it…

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